Webinar: Why Social Security Matters (And How to Get the Most Out of It)



If you're retired or approaching retirement want some additional guidance on navigating your Social Security benefits, then this event is for you! Social Security specialist, Robert Kron, present the fundamentals of Social Security: why it matters and how those approaching retirement can address the most of your benefits. 

Join us on Tuesday, August 30th at 5:30 pm MT for this live-streamed comprehensive webinar. Robert will review important statistics, milestones, how to access and read your Social Security statement, and more considerations pertaining to your long-term benefits. 

Please register at the link above or below. Send all event questions to austyn@denverwealth.com. You can expect a Zoom link upon registration. 

Disclosure: Robert Kron and Nuveen are not affiliated with Denver Wealth Management, Inc. and LPL Financial.